Accommodation Moravian Karst - hotels - pensions - apartments
Moravian Karst is one of the most important karst areas in Central Europe. Accommodation in the Moravian Karst will let you know the unique nature attractions while marked hiking trails and bicycle paths in the Moravian Karst will introduce you famous caves and karst formations. The most popular place in this area are Punkevní caves, which allow its visitors to get to the bottom of the abyss Macocha, by very attractive and romantic way by boat on the underground river Punkva. Other interesting places are undoubtedly Balcarka cave, Catherine cave and Sloupsko-Šošůvské caves. continuing...
area: Moravský kras a okolí
web: www.zamekboskovice.cz
e-mail: boskovice.zamek@mybox.cz
phone: +420 516 454 418
code: MO-038

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The castle Boskovice came into existence through the reconstruction of former Dominican convent which was abolished by Josef II. and the object came into hands of Ditrichsteins who belonged to the Mikulov stem of imperial princes. After that a manufacture for color production was founded here but the owners needed to solve their housing question because from the end of the 17th century they lived in then only 400m distant medieval castle of Boskovice (only ruins have been saved) which was inconvenient, that's why in 1812 the reconstruction, which was finished in 1826, started including the English park. The castle became an "Empire jewel of Moravia" in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century and kept its stylistic purity until today, as the one of the few in Moravia.
area: Moravský kras a okolí
web: www.zameklysice.cz
e-mail: lysice@brno.npu.cz
phone: +420 516 472 235
code: CB-012

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A Baroque building built on a Renaissance water stronghold, with final adaptations made at the beginning of the 19th Century. The opulent and richly furnished interiors give visitors an idea of the lifestyle of the family of Dubský from Třebomyslice. Rich collections, accumulated mainly in the 19th Century, include furniture, glass, porcelain, pictures, a rare weapon collection, two libraries, objects brought from the Orient and a remarkable collection of historical shooting targets. From June to September it is also possible to visit the unique castle garden with a promenade colonnade and the interior of the garden casino. A visit of the orangery, as well as the castle garden centre from the second half of the 19th Century is both a part of the tour of the garden.
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