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Name of service: Státní zámek LYSICE
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Type of service: Castles

Country: Czech Republic
Region: jižní Morava Jihomoravský kraj
Region: Moravský kras a okolí
GPS: 49°27'10.656"N 16°31'59.439"E

Phone: +420 516 472 235
FAX: +420 516 472 752

Code of service: CB-012
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Státní zámek Lysice
Státní zámek Lysice
Státní zámek Lysice
Státní zámek Lysice

Státní zámek LYSICE, Lysice

A Baroque building built on a Renaissance water stronghold, with final adaptations made at the beginning of the 19th Century. The opulent and richly furnished interiors give visitors an idea of the lifestyle of the family of Dubský from Třebomyslice. Rich collections, accumulated mainly in the 19th Century, include furniture, glass, porcelain, pictures, a rare weapon collection, two libraries, objects brought from the Orient and a remarkable collection of historical shooting targets. From June to September it is also possible to visit the unique castle garden with a promenade colonnade and the interior of the garden casino. A visit of the orangery, as well as the castle garden centre from the second half of the 19th Century is both a part of the tour of the garden.

Státní zámek Lysice
Státní zámek Lysice

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