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region: jižní Morava Jihomoravský kraj
area: Moravský kras a okolí
phone: +420 516 454 418
code: MO-038
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The castle Boskovice came into existence through the reconstruction of former Dominican convent which was abolished by Josef II. and the object came into hands of Ditrichsteins who belonged to the Mikulov stem of imperial princes. After that a manufacture for color production was founded here but the owners needed to solve their housing question because from the end of the 17th century they lived in then only 400m distant medieval castle of Boskovice (only ruins have been saved) which was inconvenient, that's why in 1812 the reconstruction, which was finished in 1826, started including the English park. The castle became an "Empire jewel of Moravia" in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century and kept its stylistic purity until today, as the one of the few in Moravia.

Boskovice Lysice
Brno-venkov Lednicko-valtický areál Moravský kras a okolí Pálava a okolí Podluží Znojemsko
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