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Penzion U Zámku
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Country: Czech Republic
Region: jižní Morava Jihomoravský kraj
Area: Slovácko
Locality: Milotice
GPS: 48°57'27.8"N 17°08'15.9"E

Mobil: +420 728 037 845

Type of object: Boarding house
Capacity: 28
Number of bedrooms: 7
Category: ***

Price per person and day from: 500 Kč
Price per person and week from: 3500 Kč
Price per person and day from: 20 EUR
Price per person and week from: 140 EUR

Code of object: CZ-459  
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dovolená pro rodiny s dětmi Slovácko
rodinná dovolená na Slovácku
dovolená pro turisty Kyjov a okolí
penzion s internetem Milotice a okolí

Penzion U Zámku, Milotice

Kvalitní levné ubytování v oblasti Kyjovského Dolňácka

The U Zámku pension is situated in Milotice by Kyjov, in the area of Kyjovské Dolňácko. Kyjovské Dolňácko is proud of its longtime winery tradition as well as of its „still alive“ folklore (family holidays in Slovácko). You can get persuaded about that at a National festival of Kyjovské Dolňácko which takes place in Milotice. The U Zámku pension is located in a building whose history is remarkably connected with the chateau of Milotice. The administration of this manor was ensured by an office of manorial lords, whose residence was exactly in the today´s building of the pension. The state chateau of Milotice is one of the most beautiful baroque chateaus in the Czech republic, it is an object with a noble yard, a riding hall, a horse stall and two orangeries, there is a French park around the chateau as well as a pheasantry with a couple of small buildings (holidays for families with children Slovácko).

The village has a long history which has been presented also in a set of baroque buildings.You will find there for instance the All saints church with an artistically valuable inner furnishing and a baroque wall around the church with the sculpting work of O. Schweigel.

You can visit two natural preserved areas around the village, The Písečný pond and Horky (holidays for tourists Kyjov and surrounding). The location is also available for cyclo tourism (holidays for bikers in Slovácko), there is a cyclo path Nr. 42 leading through the village (stays for bikers Slovácko). A significant transport line Kyjov – Hodonín also goes through the village.

The full capacity of the U Zámku pension is 28 people in 7 rooms with sanitary facilities and WIFI (pension with Internet Milotice and surrounding). 1 double and 1 three-bed rooms are available, two four-bed and three five-bed rooms, too (accommodation for groups in Slovácko).

All accommodated guests can use a shared kitchen with full equipment: a microwave, TV, a cooker, a fridge, a kettle, crockery (accommodation with cooking Kyjov and surrounding). Boarding is also possible in the local restaurants. You can park your car in a closed yard behind the pension where a bike storage is to be found, too (pension with bike storage Kyjov and surrounding), a children´s playground and an outdoor seating with a fireplace (pension with children´s playground Slovácko). For wine lovers we can arrange wine tasting in a great winery Krist. In case you´ll be accommodated for three days, following one another, you´ll get a bottle of delicious wine as a small present.

The pension offers accommodation of wedding guests – the ceremonies are held at the Milotice chateau near the pension (accommodation for wedding guests by Kyjov).

A new bicycle shop is now available for guests, which can be used for the storage of bicycles.

Accommodation in the pension is suitable for families with children, bikers, tourists, groups of friends and couples by Kyjov in Slovácko.

CyclingAppropriate for kidsClosed parkingTennis

ubytování pro skupiny na Slovácku
ubytování s vlastním vařením Kyjov a okolí
penzion s dětským hřištěm Slovácko
penzion s úschovnou kol Kyjov a okolí
ubytování pro svatebčany u Kyjova
dovolená pro páry Kyjov a okolí
Kolárna pro úschovu kol
pobyty pro cyklisty Slovácko
dovolená pro cyklisty na Slovácku
ubytování s dětským hřištěm Slovácko
ubytování pro páry u Kyjova
ubytování pro seniory u Kyjova
dovolená pro skupiny přátel Kyjov a okolí
aktivní dovolená Slovácko

Service in the neighbourhood
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Lanové centrum PROUD Brno Brno

The cable centre is the unique matter of its kind. It supports the movement, helps the concentration, degrades the fear from heights, strenghtens the team work and the trust in the other human being as well. In the Czech Republic there are altogether 9 cable centres, they are open to wide public, schools and companies. Our program can be experienced by small kids, whole families with kids or bigger groups. We guarantee the uncommon experience which you will remenber for a long time and perhaps you will come back.

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We believe, that we will be afforded the opportunity to gladly hand our more than 30-year experiences from motorsport over to you, so that you will always be able to get safely to your hotel or pension and not only there. We are open to both, public as well as companies and collectives, for which we organize e.g. driving courses (basic, sporting, skid trainings) or competitions, where you verify how much you are being driven by your four-wheeled darling and how much you are able to drive it. The advantage is, of course, in doing this and getting experiences on a closed and secured track.

České Budějovice AGENTURA CHATA TOUR s.r.o.
Chata Radava - ORLÍK - Jižní Čechy

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Our beautiful Zoo harbors all year long not only 2.500 animals in more than 16 pavilions and plenty of other expositions, but thanks to its hotel also all of you who want to enjoy the African atmosphere deeply and longer. Just imagine that experience. After a business schoolings to set off e.g. for the Night safari, to take a ride by a crosscountry car among animals or take a walk with a guide across the Zoo. In addtition you can become an attendant for one day or feed beasts, wash an elephant or palm a giraffe... Here you will be much closer to animals than you have ever dreamt before, and they will reward you with plenty of unforgetable experience...

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