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Name of service: Vonka Racing Team
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Type of service: Free-time activities

Country: Czech Republic
Region: jižní Morava Jihomoravský kraj
Region: Brno-venkov
GPS: 49°7'59.44"N 16°36'30.967"E

Phone: +420 547 216 514
Mobil: +420 777 626 083
FAX: +420 547 216 514

Code of service: CB-001
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Vonka Racing Team - zážitkové programy nejen pro firmy
Vonka Racing Team - zážitkové programy nejen pro firmy
Vonka Racing Team - Vzhůru Farinovou zatáčkou
Vonka Racing Team - jízdy zručnosti a pravidelnosti

Vonka Racing Team, Modřice

We believe, that we will be afforded the opportunity to gladly hand our more than 30-year experiences from motorsport over to you, so that you will always be able to get safely to your hotel or pension and not only there. We are open to both, public as well as companies and collectives, for which we organize e.g. driving courses (basic, sporting, skid trainings) or competitions, where you verify how much you are being driven by your four-wheeled darling and how much you are able to drive it. The advantage is, of course, in doing this and getting experiences on a closed and secured track.

More and more often former participants of our courses call us and thank us for knowledge, that also already helped them solving many difficult situations on the road. And what will be your case? That’s up to you. If you get to like not only this idea, but the whole of our team, you can even become a part of it and enjoy interesting advantages, that nobody else can offer you! Being a member of Vonka Racing team is valuable and it can be also a very original gift for your dear ones – a gift, that may someday even save their life. We are looking forward to meeting you, no matter whether at a race or at some of our courses.

Vonka Racing Team - škola smyku v zimě pro každého
Vonka Racing Team - škola smyku pro každého

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