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Hotel Racek
Hluboká nad Vltavou
Horná Planá
Hotel Lužnice
region: jižní Čechy - Jihočeský kraj
area: Lipno
phone: +420 380744243
mobil: +420 602165335
price per person and day from: 390 Kč
code: CZ-041
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The family pension U Méďů provides the accommodation in the Bohemian Forest near the Lipno lake between the towns Černá v Pošumaví and Horní Planá during all year. The environment is ideal for family holiday and business events and schoolings at the Lipno lake. The Bohemian Forest, the Lipno lake and the whole area around Lipno are the guarantees of the active and passive rest: cyclotracks and cycling in the Bohemian Forest, swimming and water sports at the Lipno lake (windsurfing, kiting, ice-skating in winter), skiing in the Lipno ski-areal and in Hochficht (we ensure the trasport – skibus and skipasses), signed trails for cross-country skiing, mashrooming in the Bohemian Forest, bob slide in Lipno, possibility to visit the towns Český Krumlov, Vyšší Brod, Rožmberk and others.

Černá v Pošumaví Horní Planá
České Budějovice Český Krumlov Hluboká nad Vltavou Lipno
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