Cheap accommodation
In our catalogue - quality cheap accommodation - we present objects offering affordable accommodation. You will be surprised that even in lower price category the accommodation at our partners is very comfortable. In this catalogue the partners are edited with the price up to 450 CZK per person and day according to the lowest rate in the pricelist. The prices are then different depending on the season, group stays, weekend stays etc. continuing...
Horský hotel Orešnica Račková dolina
Cat. ***area: Západné Tatry
e-mail: info@abc-hotel.cz
phone: +420 739 517 872
price per person and day from: 300 Kč
code: CZ-401

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The Western Tatry, entry of Račková dolina, 910 m high, that's the location of the mountain hotel Orešnica. In 2003 the building came through the complete reconstruction so a large fenced hotel areal could come into its existence. It disposes with 3 luxurious apartments, 13 double rooms which are in case of need able to have a room for 50 guests. The hotel is equiped with a stylish restaurant with hunting trophies, day-bar, sauna, whirlpool, tennis court, small lake with trouts. We also offer more separate accomodation in chalets "Alpina" equiped with facilities, social room, TV, SAT, radio-alarmclock. The chalets capacity is 35 guests. Car park in a closed area of the hotel areal.
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