Cheap accommodation
In our catalogue - quality cheap accommodation - we present objects offering affordable accommodation. You will be surprised that even in lower price category the accommodation at our partners is very comfortable. In this catalogue the partners are edited with the price up to 450 CZK per person and day according to the lowest rate in the pricelist. The prices are then different depending on the season, group stays, weekend stays etc. continuing...
Restaurant - pension Rubín Praha
Cat. ***area: Praha a okolí
web: www.pensionrubin.eu
e-mail: pension-rubin@seznam.cz
phone: +420 241 940 886
mobil: +420 739 847 391
price per person and day from: 500 Kč
code: CZ-045

Reservation & Show detail

The family pension and restaurant Rubín is located near wood in a quiet atmosphere cca 10 km from the border of the capital Prague (very good connection on the „C“ subway). During season you can find here cycloroutes, you can take a swim in a near swimming pool or in the river Sázava, adjecent woods offer the possibility of not only nice walks but also mashrooming. In winter you can take advantage of perfect cross-country skiing routes. You can visit a historical town Jílové with a renowned mining museum and gold processing.
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