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Accommodation in České Budějovice - hotels, pensions, private accommodation

City České Budějovice, which is currently the administrative and cultural center of South Bohemia, offers its guests comfortable accommodation in addition to a range of leisure opportunities. After visiting a number of historical monuments of the city and its surroundings you can relax in one of many restaurants or pubs and enjoy Budvar beer or delicious South Bohemian cuisine. Cultural events in České Budějovice - these are not only concerts, movies, theatrical performances (South Bohemian Theater), but also South Bohemian museum exhibitions or unusual events such as water games on the river Malše. Accommodation in České Budějovice offers many nice pensions and hotels - either directly in the center or around the city. The objects can provide not only bed and board during your holiday in South Bohemia, but also arrange corporate events in České Budějovice. Accommodation České Budějovice

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