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Accommodation Moravian gate - hotels - pensions - apartments

The Moravian Gate is 65 km long ravine, the eastern side of which is formed by the Beskydy mountain range, west side by Jeseníky and Oderské mountains and in the south it passes into Hornomoravský ravine. The Moravian Gate is rich in karst formations, caves and springs of mineral water and belongs to one of the remarkable places not only for its natural beauty, but also for its rich history. The Moravian Gate is a part of PLA Poodří, which is unique for its wetland ecosystems. The center of the area is the river Oder, which has preserved its natural character as a flood basin with many loose shoulders. Accommodation in the Moravian Gate will satisfy visitors of all ages, families with children and seniors. Guesthouses and hotels in the Moravian Gate are the ideal starting point for your wanderings in Moravia. Accommodation Moravian Gate

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