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Vinařství Maláník Osička
region: jižní Morava Jihomoravský kraj
area: Brno-venkov
mobil: +420 607 111 477
code: CB-028
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The cable centre is the unique matter of its kind. It supports the movement, helps the concentration, degrades the fear from heights, strenghtens the team work and the trust in the other human being as well. In the Czech Republic there are altogether 9 cable centres, they are open to wide public, schools and companies. Our program can be experienced by small kids, whole families with kids or bigger groups. We guarantee the uncommon experience which you will remenber for a long time and perhaps you will come back.

region: Královehradecký kraj
area: Krkonoše - KHK
mobil: +420 603 777 255
code: CB-041
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The cable centre is the unique matter of its kind. It supports the movement, helps the concentration, degrades the fear from heights, strenghtens the team work and the trust in the other human being as well. In the Czech Republic there are altogether 9 cable centres, they are open to wide public, schools and companies. Our program can be experienced by small kids, whole families with kids or bigger groups. We guarantee the uncommon experience which you will remenber for a long time and perhaps you will come back.

region: Olomoucký kraj - Olomoucko
area: Jeseníky - OLK
phone: +420 585 225 37
mobil: +420 605 215 348
code: CB-032
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The cable centre is the unique matter of its kind. It supports the movement, helps the concentration, degrades the fear from heights, strenghtens the team work and the trust in the other human being as well. In the Czech Republic there are altogether 9 cable centres, they are open to wide public, schools and companies. Our program can be experienced by small kids, whole families with kids or bigger groups. We guarantee the uncommon experience which you will remenber for a long time and perhaps you will come back.

region: Praha
area: Praha
phone: +420 266 311 275
mobil: +420 605 215 39
code: CB-024
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The cable centre is the unique matter of its kind. It supports the movement, helps the concentration, degrades the fear from heights, strenghtens the team work and the trust in the other human being as well. In the Czech Republic there are altogether 9 cable centres, they are open to wide public, schools and companies. Our program can be experienced by small kids, whole families with kids or bigger groups. We guarantee the uncommon experience which you will remenber for a long time and perhaps you will come back.

region: Plzeňský kraj - Plzeňsko
area: Šumava
phone: +420 266 311 27
mobil: +420 605 215 39
code: CB-048
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The cable centre is the unique matter of its kind. It supports the movement, helps the concentration, degrades the fear from heights, strenghtens the team work and the trust in the other human being as well. In the Czech Republic there are altogether 9 cable centres, they are open to wide public, schools and companies. Our program can be experienced by small kids, whole families with kids or bigger groups. We guarantee the uncommon experience which you will remenber for a long time and perhaps you will come back.

region: jižní Čechy - Jihočeský kraj
area: Orlická přehrada - JHC
phone: +420 382 275 333
code: CB-107a
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Do you want to vary your holiday by attractive way or would you like to make a nice one-day trip in the countryside of the middle stream of the river Vltava from the boat perspective? Our company Quarter offers regular shipping transport on the dams Kořensko, Orlík, Kamýk, Slapy and Dalešice. 113 km long distance can offer you beautiful views of this countryside full of hills, slopes and forests. Beautiful natural scene is spiced with many historical sights and technical attractions in addtition.

region: Vysočina
area: Žďárské vrchy
phone: +420 566 567 400
mobil: +420 602 319 990
code: CZ-057b
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The DraXmoor scary castle is one of the areas of the Šikland complex. It is a unique project located in a great building of a former castle cornloft from the 14th century, overlooking a dun lake (Trips with children Vysočina). The castle offers a scary-fantastic exposition combined with attractive exhibits, original cellar premises and a Medieval-fairy marked place. A 3D cinema will present a film which will take you into the world of fantasy in exquisit 3D pictures – the 3D technology. The castle offers a scary-fantastic exhibition (Experience programs for families with children Vysočina).

region: Karlovarský kraj - Karlovarsko
area: Karlovy Vary a okolí
phone: +420 352 629 722
mobil: +420 737 136 766
code: CZ-233
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Statek Bernard – Centrum tradičních řemesel a Zábavné centrum řeky Ohře. To je spousta zábavy, zážitků, ale i hodinové rychlokurzy a kurzy několikadenní, po kterých získáte v řemesle základní zručnost. Centrum tradičních řemesel v Královském Poříčí leží 10 minut autem od Karlových Varů. Statek Bernard, to je také ubytování pro rodiny s dětmi na Karlovarsku. Tento útulný penzion u Karlových Varů má navíc ideální polohu a to jak pro výlety, tak pro aktivní dovolenou. V blízkém okolí se nacházejí významné památky i přírodní zajímavosti a také spousta cyklostezek (dovolená pro cyklisty na Karlovarsku). Statek Bernard si oblíbili i snoubenci jako místo, odkud se vydají na společnou cestu životem (tj. svatby Karlovarsko).

Brno-venkov Jeseníky - OLK Karlovy Vary a okolí Krkonoše - KHK Orlická přehrada - JHC Praha Šumava Žďárské vrchy
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